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"Strengthening Democracy and Governance through Development of the Media in Mozambique" was the title of a major UNESCO/UNDP media development project from 1998 to 2006. The project was created to support Mozambique's process to become a multiparty democracy after the peace accord in 1992. The project aimed to strengthen and further develop an independent and democratic, diverse and pluralist media landscape with both public, private and community actors through the following activity areas:

  • The national public service broadcaster
  • The small, independent newspapers (primarily outside the capital Maputo)
  • Community Radio and Community Multimedia Centres
  • Journalist capacitation, including training, coaching and organising
  • Gender balance in the media
  • Appropriate and effective coverage of HIV/Aids in the media

UNDP coordinated the six bilateral donors, Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Norway, Portugal and Sweden -  funding the project with more than 14 mio USD over the eight year period.

As one of the biggest media projects implemented by UNESCO, the project put emphasis on documenting the experience of media development for democratic transition in a post-conflict reality. This documentation is - to the extend this has been possible - accessible at this website: presentation of activities, studies of the media development in Mozambique, community radio and other media training manuals, overviews of traning activities etc.

In addition to written documentation, the project produced a video documentary series: "Media Development in Mozambique", which can be obtained from the UNESCO Maputo office:  

  • Community Waves - Community Radio Development (2001)
  • Listen to the Women - Women in the Media in Mozambique (2002)
  • The Challenges of Sustainable Growth - the Dilemma of Small Newspapers outside     Maputo (2003)
  • The Women's Community - on Creation of a Women's Community Radio Network in    Mozambique (2004)
  • FORCOM, Mozambique's Forum of Community Radio Stations. An Exercise in Democracy (2005)
  • Communities on air - Five years later (2006)

Please be informed that the Media Project has closed its activities on September 30, 2006. The Media Project would like to thank all partners and Contributors for the valuable support during these eight years of intensive and very productive work. Document and Manuals are available for reference. Previous project news can be found under the website archive pages at Unesco .

 - Kind regards.

Informamos que o Projecto Media encerrou as suas actividades  no dia 30 de Setembro de 2006. O Projecto de Desenvolvimento dos Media em Moçambique gostaria de agradecer aos parceiros e todos que directa ou indirectamente apoiaram ao longo dos oito anos de trabalho árduo e bastante produtivo. Diversa informação e Manuais para referência, estão disponíveis no website Unesco.

 - Os nossos melhores cumprimentos.